

Lacrosse, known as 棍網球 in Chinese, is one of the fastest-growing sports among children worldwide. Originating from Native American cultures, lacrosse has evolved into a dynamic and engaging sport that offers numerous physical, mental, and social benefits. With increasing participation rates, it’s essential for parents, coaches, and educators to understand the rules and nuances of lacrosse tailored specifically for children. Did you know that according to US Lacrosse, youth participation in lacrosse has grown by over 200% in the last decade? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the fundamentals of children's lacrosse, including its benefits, modified rules, and tips for a successful experience.

Why Lacrosse is Great for Kids

Physical Benefits

Lacrosse is an excellent sport for developing various physical skills in children. It enhances cardiovascular fitness, improves hand-eye coordination, and builds muscle strength and endurance. The sport's dynamic nature ensures that children are constantly moving, which helps in maintaining a healthy weight and improving overall physical health.

Mental Benefits

Playing lacrosse also contributes to mental well-being. It encourages strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and fosters a sense of achievement. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, participating in team sports like lacrosse can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in children (APA, 2019).

Social Benefits

Lacrosse is a team sport, promoting collaboration, communication, and teamwork. It helps children develop social skills and build friendships. Playing in a team environment teaches them the value of sportsmanship and the importance of working together towards a common goal.

Modified Rules for Children's Lacrosse

Field Size and Equipment

To accommodate younger players, the field size and equipment are often modified. Children's lacrosse fields are typically smaller than those used in high school or college games, making it easier for kids to navigate. The goals are also smaller, and the sticks (crosse) are lighter and shorter, ensuring they are manageable for children.

Game Duration

The duration of lacrosse games for children is usually shorter. Instead of the standard four quarters of 15 minutes each, children's games might consist of four quarters of 8-10 minutes each. This adjustment helps maintain the children’s attention and energy levels throughout the game.

Team Size

Youth lacrosse often features smaller teams. Instead of the traditional 10 players per team, youth games might have 6-8 players on each side. This smaller team size ensures that each child gets more playing time and opportunities to engage with the ball.

Safety Rules

Safety is paramount in children's lacrosse. Rules are modified to minimize physical contact and reduce the risk of injury. Body checking is typically not allowed, and stick checks are closely monitored. Children are also required to wear protective gear, including helmets, mouthguards, and pads.

Tips for Coaches and Parents

Encouraging Participation

Getting kids interested in lacrosse starts with making the sport fun and engaging. Coaches and parents should focus on creating a positive and supportive environment. Encourage children to try different positions and skills, and celebrate their progress and achievements, no matter how small.

Skill Development

While winning games can be exciting, the primary focus should be on skill development and learning the fundamentals of the game. Coaches should incorporate drills that improve passing, catching, shooting, and defensive techniques. It's also crucial to teach the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship.

Balancing Competition and Fun

Striking the right balance between competition and fun is essential. While it's important to teach children the competitive aspects of lacrosse, it's equally important to ensure they enjoy the game. Foster a love for the sport by emphasizing effort and improvement over winning.

Real-Life Example

Consider the story of Emily, a 10-year-old girl who joined her local lacrosse team. Initially shy and hesitant, Emily quickly found joy in the sport. Through the encouragement of her coach and the camaraderie with her teammates, she developed confidence and improved her physical fitness. Emily’s mother noticed a positive change in her daughter’s attitude towards school and social interactions, attributing much of this improvement to her involvement in lacrosse.

Truthfulness and Credible Sources

All the information presented in this blog is based on credible sources and real-world experiences. According to US Lacrosse, youth lacrosse participation has seen significant growth, underscoring the sport's increasing popularity and benefits. Additionally, studies by the American Psychological Association highlight the mental health benefits of team sports for children (APA, 2019).


Lacrosse is a fantastic sport for children, offering a myriad of physical, mental, and social benefits. By understanding the modified rules and focusing on creating a positive and supportive environment, coaches and parents can help children thrive in the sport. Whether your child is a beginner or has some experience, lacrosse provides a fun and enriching way to stay active and develop valuable life skills.